Top 10 Biggest Madrasas in the World

The top 10 biggest Madrasas in the world include Darul Uloom Deoband, Al-Azhar University, Qom Seminary, and more. These educational institutions play a significant role in Islamic teachings and scholarship.

Madrasas are known for their focus on religious studies, Quranic teachings, and Islamic jurisprudence. Students from various countries attend these Madrasas to deepen their understanding of Islam and pursue academic excellence. The grandeur and historical significance of these Madrasas make them renowned centers of Islamic learning globally.

Let’s delve into the top 10 biggest Madrasas and explore their rich heritage and contributions to Islamic education.

Introduction To Global Madrasas

Madrasas hold a significant place in Islamic education and have been instrumental in shaping the intellectual and spiritual development of individuals for centuries. As centers of learning, they play a vital role in preserving and promoting Islamic knowledge and heritage. In this blog post, we will explore the top 10 biggest madrasas in the world, their evolution, modern role, and their significance in Islamic education.

Significance In Islamic Education

Madrasas are institutions that provide education in Islamic theology, law, and philosophy. They have been crucial in preserving and transmitting Islamic knowledge and have contributed to the scholarly and intellectual development of the Muslim world.

Evolution And Modern Role

Madrasas have evolved over time to adapt to the changing educational landscape. While traditionally focused on religious studies, modern madrasas also offer a wide range of academic subjects, including mathematics, science, and literature. They continue to play a vital role in providing holistic education and nurturing future leaders within the Muslim community.

Architectural Splendor Of Madrasas

The architectural splendor of madrasas is a breathtaking testament to the beauty and grandeur of Islamic architecture. These magnificent structures, often adorned with intricate designs and exquisite calligraphy, stand as a testament to the rich cultural heritage and historical significance of Islamic education. The top 10 biggest madrasas in the world are not only centers of learning but also architectural marvels that showcase the fusion of tradition and artistry.

Incorporating Tradition And Aesthetics

Madrasas seamlessly blend traditional Islamic architectural elements with stunning aesthetics, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and inspiration. The incorporation of arches, domes, and minarets, adorned with delicate geometric patterns and vibrant tiles, reflects a deep reverence for tradition while embracing the beauty of artistic expression. The intricate carvings and exquisite mosaics further enhance the spiritual and aesthetic experience, offering visitors a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Islamic architecture.

Structural Marvels

The structural marvels of these madrasas are a testament to the ingenuity and craftsmanship of their builders. The use of intricate geometric designs in the layout and construction of these monumental edifices is awe-inspiring. The soaring domes and towering minarets stand as symbols of architectural prowess, while the meticulously crafted courtyards and gardens provide a serene setting for contemplation and learning. The fusion of form and function in these architectural wonders is a testament to the enduring legacy of Islamic architectural excellence.

Al-azhar University, Egypt

Al-Azhar University, Egypt is one of the oldest and most prestigious educational institutions in the world, known for its historical legacy and contemporary educational impact.

Historical Legacy

Al-Azhar University was established in the year 970 AD, making it one of the oldest continuously operating universities globally. The university played a significant role in the preservation and dissemination of knowledge during the Islamic Golden Age.

Contemporary Educational Impact

Al-Azhar University continues to be a leading center for Islamic learning, attracting students and scholars from around the world. The university offers a wide range of academic disciplines, including Islamic law, theology, Arabic language, and science.

Al-nizamiyya Of Baghdad, Iraq

Al-Nizamiyya of Baghdad, Iraq, was a renowned center of learning during the Islamic Golden Age.

Foundation And Significance

Founded in 1065 by the Seljuk vizier Nizam al-Mulk, Al-Nizamiyya aimed to promote Sunni Islamic teachings.

Influence On Islamic Golden Age

Al-Nizamiyya played a crucial role in shaping the intellectual landscape during the Islamic Golden Age.

Deoband Madrasa, India

The Deoband Madrasa, located in Deoband, Uttar Pradesh, India, is one of the most prominent Islamic educational institutions in the world. It is widely recognized for its contributions to Islamic scholarship and the propagation of the Deobandi school of thought.

Origins And Growth

The Deoband Madrasa was founded in 1866 by a group of Islamic scholars led by Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanautavi and Maulana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi. They sought to establish an institution that would focus on the study of traditional Islamic sciences, emphasizing a conservative interpretation of Islamic theology and law. Despite facing initial challenges, the Deoband Madrasa grew steadily over the years, attracting students from various parts of India and abroad. The institution’s commitment to preserving and promoting Islamic knowledge garnered widespread support, contributing to its expansion and reputation as a center of learning.

Global Influence Of Deobandi Thought

The influence of the Deobandi thought propagated by the Deoband Madrasa extends far beyond India. It has reached communities of Muslims around the world, shaping their religious practices, beliefs, and social norms.

The Deobandi movement gained prominence for its emphasis on strict adherence to Islamic teachings and rejection of what it deemed as innovations or deviations from the original Islamic practices. This approach resonated with many Muslims seeking a conservative interpretation of Islam. Deobandi scholars and graduates from the Deoband Madrasa have established similar institutions in countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and South Africa, among others.

These institutions have played a significant role in nurturing a generation of Islamic scholars and leaders who uphold the principles of the Deobandi school of thought. Furthermore, the Deobandi movement has had a profound impact on the global landscape of Islamic education. Its teachings and methodologies have influenced other Islamic educational institutions, shaping their curriculum and approach to religious instruction.

In conclusion, the Deoband Madrasa in India has played a pivotal role in the preservation and dissemination of the Deobandi school of thought. Its origins can be traced back to the 19th century, and since then, it has grown into an institution of global significance, shaping the understanding and practice of Islam for millions of people worldwide.

Al-qarawiyyin, Morocco

Al-Qarawiyyin in Morocco is among the top 10 biggest madrasas in the world. Founded in 859, it boasts a rich history and is renowned for its influential contributions to education and Islamic culture. The madrasa remains a significant landmark, attracting visitors from around the globe.

Al-Qarawiyyin, located in the city of Fez, Morocco, is not only one of the largest madrasas in the world, but also holds the recognition as the world’s oldest continually operating university. Founded in 859 CE by Fatima al-Fihri, a wealthy woman who wanted to create a center of learning for the Muslim community, Al-Qarawiyyin has been a place of education and scholarship for over a thousand years.


From its inception, Al-Qarawiyyin has been known for its rigorous academic curriculum. Students studied a range of subjects including Arabic grammar and literature, Islamic law, mathematics, and astronomy. The madrasa was particularly renowned for its teaching of Islamic jurisprudence, which attracted students from all over the Muslim world. The curriculum was so rigorous that only the most promising students were accepted into the program.


Despite its long history, Al-Qarawiyyin has not remained static. In recent years, the madrasa has undergone a major renovation and modernization project. The university’s facilities have been upgraded to meet modern standards, and new technology has been integrated into the classrooms.

The university has also expanded its curriculum to include modern subjects such as computer science and business management. Despite these changes, however, Al-Qarawiyyin remains committed to its traditional values and continues to be a center of Islamic scholarship and learning.

Al-Qarawiyyin is not only one of the largest madrasas in the world, but also one of the most historic. Its recognition as the world’s oldest continually operating university is a testament to its enduring commitment to education and scholarship. While the university has undergone many changes over the centuries, it remains a vital center of learning for the Muslim community and a source of pride for the people of Morocco.

Darul Uloom Haqqania, Pakistan

Darul Uloom Haqqania in Pakistan is one of the largest and most renowned madrasas in the world. With a rich history and significant influence in regional politics, this institution holds a prominent position in the world of Islamic education.

History And Leadership

Established in 1947, Darul Uloom Haqqania has a long-standing history of providing traditional Islamic education. It has been led by prominent scholars and leaders who have played a pivotal role in shaping the institution’s identity and impact.

Role In Regional Politics

Darul Uloom Haqqania has wielded considerable influence in regional politics, with many of its alumni becoming influential figures in Pakistan and beyond. The madrasa’s involvement in shaping political ideologies and policies has made it a significant player in the country’s political landscape.

Top 10 Biggest Madrasas in the World: Marvels of Education


Riyadh Al-aloom, Saudi Arabia

Riyadh Al-Aloom, located in Saudi Arabia, is one of the largest and most renowned madrasas in the world. It has gained international prominence for its exceptional educational standards and commitment to nurturing future leaders in the Arab world.

Prominence In The Arab World

Riyadh Al-Aloom holds significant prominence in the Arab world due to its extensive contributions to Islamic education and scholarship. It serves as a beacon of knowledge and enlightenment, attracting students and scholars from various parts of the region.

Educational Philosophy

The educational philosophy of Riyadh Al-Aloom revolves around fostering a holistic approach to learning, emphasizing not only religious studies but also modern sciences, humanities, and critical thinking. The institution is dedicated to cultivating well-rounded individuals who can contribute positively to their communities and the world at large.

Jamia Al-karam, Uk

Jamia Al-Karam, UK is among the top 10 biggest madrasas in the world, offering comprehensive Islamic education and training. With a strong emphasis on academic excellence and spiritual development, it has gained recognition as a leading institution for Islamic studies on a global scale.

Jamia Al-Karam, UK is one of the largest Madrasas in the world. Established in 1985 by Sheikh Muhammad Imdad Hussain Pirzada, it has become a hub for Islamic education in the Western world.

Establishment In The West

Jamia Al-Karam, UK was established with the aim of providing authentic Islamic education to Muslims living in the West. Its location in Retford, Nottinghamshire, in the United Kingdom, has made it accessible to a wide range of students from different parts of the world.

Bridging Cultures Through Education

At Jamia Al-Karam, UK, education is not limited to religious studies alone. The Madrasa has developed a unique curriculum that encompasses both Islamic and secular education, with a focus on bridging cultures. Through this approach, students are not only equipped with knowledge of their faith but also gain an understanding of the wider world around them.

The Madrasa has made significant strides in promoting interfaith dialogue and understanding. Its leadership has actively engaged with other faith communities, including hosting interfaith events and dialogues. Jamia Al-Karam, UK has also produced graduates who have gone on to become leaders in their respective fields, including academia, business, and politics.

The Madrasa’s emphasis on holistic education has equipped them with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in a globalized world. In conclusion, Jamia Al-Karam, UK is a shining example of how Islamic education can thrive in the West. Its unique approach to education has not only produced knowledgeable scholars but has also contributed to bridging cultures and promoting interfaith dialogue.

Top 10 Biggest Madrasas in the World: Marvels of Education


Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor, Indonesia

Located in Indonesia, Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor is one of the top 10 biggest madrasas in the world. With its unique educational model, the madrasa has gained international recognition and attracts students from various countries.

Unique Educational Model

Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor stands out for its distinctive educational model. The madrasa combines traditional Islamic studies with modern education, providing students with a well-rounded learning experience. By integrating religious teachings with subjects like science, mathematics, and literature, Gontor prepares students to excel academically while nurturing their spiritual growth. The madrasa emphasizes character development alongside academic achievement.

Expansion And International Students

Over the years, Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor has expanded significantly to accommodate the growing number of students. Its campus spans across a vast area, comprising classrooms, libraries, dormitories, and recreational facilities. The madrasa’s commitment to providing excellent education has attracted students not only from Indonesia but also from around the world. With its international student program, Gontor welcomes students from diverse cultural backgrounds.

This multicultural environment fosters an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding, enabling students to learn from one another’s experiences and perspectives. It also helps in promoting global harmony and cooperation. The presence of international students enriches the educational experience at Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor, exposing students to different cultures and broadening their horizons.

This exposure prepares them to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world. In conclusion, Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor in Indonesia stands as one of the largest and most renowned madrasas globally. Its unique educational model and inclusive approach attract students from various countries, creating a vibrant and diverse learning environment.

Faisal Islamic University, Sudan

Faisal Islamic University in Sudan stands as one of the top 10 biggest Madrasas globally. With a rich Islamic heritage, it offers a diverse range of academic and religious courses, attracting students from all over the world. Experience a profound learning environment at this renowned institution.

Contributions To African Islamic Scholarship

Faisal Islamic University in Sudan has been a key player in advancing African Islamic scholarship.

Community Engagement And Services

The university is deeply involved in serving the community through various engagement initiatives.

Top 10 Biggest Madrasas in the World: Marvels of Education


Conclusion: The Future Of Madrasas

Madrasas must embrace technology and modern teaching methods. Madrasas play a crucial role in preserving Islamic traditions and values.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Is The Biggest Madrasa In The World?

The biggest madrasa in the world is the Islamic University of Madinah, located in Saudi Arabia. It was founded in 1961 and has over 10,000 students from all around the world.

What Are The Top 3 Islamic Universities In The World?

The top 3 Islamic universities globally are Al-Azhar University in Egypt, University of Medina in Saudi Arabia, and International Islamic University Malaysia.

Which Islamic School Is The Biggest?

Al-Azhar University in Egypt is the largest Islamic school globally, renowned for its academic excellence and heritage.

What Was The First Madrasa In Islam?

The first madrasa in Islam was established by Prophet Muhammad in Medina in the 7th century. It served as a place for teaching Quranic studies, Islamic law, and other religious topics to Muslims. The curriculum included both religious and secular subjects, and it played a crucial role in the spread of Islam.


The Madrasas are the center of Islamic education and have played a vital role in preserving the Islamic culture and traditions. Our list of the top 10 biggest Madrasas in the world showcases the magnificent architecture and rich history of these institutions.

From the ancient Al-Azhar University in Egypt to the modern Jamia Millia Islamia in India, each Madrasa has a unique story to tell. By understanding the significance of these institutions, we can appreciate the valuable contribution they have made to the world.

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